Category Archives: Slip and Fall

Extreme Weather Increases Monterey Premises Liability Risks
Premises liability is an area of law that pertains to the legal duties of property owners and protects the rights of victims when personal injuries in Monterey happen. Potentially dangerous conditions, such as wet floors or other hazards, increase the risk of slip-fall injury and other potentially serious mishaps. Our Monterey slip and fall… Read More »

Factors That Can Increase Monterey Fall Risks
Falls are one of the most common types of accidents and a leading cause of personal injuries in Monterey. They can happen in stores, restaurants, or other public places and are often due to negligence on the part of the property owner in failing to provide proper maintenance and repairs. However, there are other… Read More »

Fall Awareness: How To Reduce The Risks Of Slip And Fall Accidents In Monterey
For many Monterey residents, fall is a favorite time of year. After a busy summer season, it is generally a more laid-back time of the year and the weather is mostly pleasant. This makes it perfect for walking, dining out, shopping, and engaging in the many local fall-themed activities throughout the area. However, accidents… Read More »

Slip And Fall Accidents In Monterey Pose Serious Personal Injury Risks To Older Adults
Slips and falls in Monterey are among the most common causes of personal injuries. While they can happen to people of all ages, older adults are most at risk. In addition to being more likely to be involved in a slip-and-fall accident, they are also more likely to suffer severe and potentially life-threatening harm…. Read More »

Slip And Fall Injuries In Monterey Pose Serious Risks For Older Adults
Monterey has an engaged and active older adult community. People aged 55 and over make up a significant portion of the population and enjoy all the benefits our area provides. However, when shopping, eating out, walking in local parks, or taking part in other activities, it is important to play it safe. Slip and… Read More »

Can I Sue A Property Owner If I’m Injured While Doing A Job for Them?
California property owners can generally be held legally responsible when a customer or other invited guest is injured on their property. But what about people hired to work on the property? For example, if a local shop owner hires a plumber to repair a leaky toilet and they are injured while on the property,… Read More »

Slip And Fall Injuries In Monterey: How To Hold Property Owners Accountable
Slips and falls are among the most common causes of personal injuries. They can impact your health and mobility for long months or even years after while jeopardizing your ability to work and provide for your family. When a slip fall injury in Monterey happens due to property owner negligence, it is important not… Read More »

How California’s “Recreational Use” Law Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim
If you are injured due to a hazardous condition on private property, such as slipping on a puddle of water in a supermarket aisle, you can normally seek compensation from the owner under California premises liability law. But there is a critical exception to this rule for private land designated for “recreational use.” Basically,… Read More »

$137,500 For Client Injured In Monterey Slip And Fall Accident, Despite Wet Floor Signs
Slips and falls are one of the most common accidents and can leave victims suffering serious personal injuries. Negligence on the part of property owners is often responsible. They have a legal duty to maintain the premises and provide warning signs of dangerous conditions. When they fail to do so, they can be held… Read More »

Slip and Fall Injuries Settlements: What Affects Your Case?
Slip and fall accidents are among the most common types of premises liability claims. The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) reports that more than one million people seek emergency medical care for slip and fall accident injuries every year. While some of these injuries are only minor or moderate, unfortunately, many of them are… Read More »

The Evidence You Need in a Slip and Fall Case
Property owners in California owe visitors a duty to use reasonable care to keep the property safe. Unfortunately, far too many owners are negligent in how they maintain their property, and we meet weekly with clients who sustain injuries from unnecessary hazards at their friends’ homes. If you have been injured in a slip… Read More »

Tips for Negotiating with the Insurance Company
It is unfortunate to become injured as a result of someone else’s carelessness. But, California law does allow you to file a claim against the negligent party. You may picture attorneys, a judge, and jury, but the truth is that many of these claims settle out of court long before they head to the… Read More »
You were injured when you fell at a local business. Maybe you slipped on a wet tile floor and broke your leg. Perhaps you tore a ligament in your shoulder when you tripped and fell on dark and uneven stairs in a restaurant. You have medical bills, lost wages, and a lot of pain… Read More »