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Posting About Personal Injuries In Monterey On Social Media Can Jeopardize Your Rights To Compensation


Social media offers a way to share your thoughts, feelings, and activities. It helps in connecting with friends and family, as well as with potential clients and other business associates. It can be an excellent source of tips, local news, or general information. However, it is important to be aware of potential risks.

If you suffer personal injuries in Monterey, posts on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok can work against you. Our Monterey personal injury lawyer explains how information obtained by an insurer could jeopardize your rights to compensation in a claim.

How Social Media Can Be Used Against You In A Monterey Personal Injury Claim

According to a 2023 Claims Journal report, insurance companies use social media sites to investigate personal injury claims. In fact, it is one of the first places they look when gathering evidence to deny or dispute your rights to compensation.

Through fake accounts, reading your public posts, and connecting with your family, former friends, or acquaintances online, they can gather the following information:

  • Details about your accident and how it happened;
  • What you were doing in the moments prior, which could have potentially increased injury risks;
  • The severity of personal injuries you suffered;
  • The extent to which they impact your life and your ability to work or engage in other activities.

Protecting Your Rights When Monterey Personal Injuries Happen

Under the California Civil Code, everyone is responsible for their behavior. When someone’s reckless behavior causes you to suffer personal injuries in Monterey, you have the right to hold them liable in a claim.

Insurance policies they have in place can help cover your costs, but posts you make on social media could prevent you from getting the total amount you deserve. To protect your rights to compensation, our Monterey personal injury lawyer recommends the following social media tips:

  • Disable social media accounts until your case is resolved;
  • If disabling social media is not an option, make sure your accounts are set to private;
  • Avoid posting anything about your accident, how it happened, or your injuries;
  • Restrict friends or family members from tagging you in posts, pictures, or videos;
  • Avoid posting about any of your current activities, including trips, working around your house, playing sports, or engaging in other hobbies and recreational pursuits.

Request A Consultation With Our Monterey Personal Injury Lawyer

When personal injuries in Monterey happen, insurance policies the at-fault party has in place can help cover your losses. However, be aware that insurers routinely find reasons to deny or downplay claims, and social media is one of the first places they are likely to look.

At the Allen Law Firm, we provide the professional legal representation you need to protect your rights and get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. To request a consultation with our Monterey personal injury lawyer, call or contact us online today.


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