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Monterey Personal Injury Lawyer > Monterey Amputation Lawyers

Monterey Amputation Lawyers

When you think of catastrophic injuries, amputation probably comes to mind. Losing a limb is probably one of the most serious injuries a person could ever face. It can result in significant physical and mental health issues as well as lifelong treatment.

There are two main types of amputation. The most common type is a traumatic amputation, which occurs due to car accidents, machinery accidents, falling objects, and accidents involving explosions. There are also surgical amputations, which occur when blood supply to an injured limb is lost. The cells in the limb’s tissue will die. Since the tissue cannot be repaired, amputation is the only option.

If you have lost an arm, hand, leg, or foot, your life has been greatly affected. You need help from a lawyer from Allen Law Firm. Schedule a free consultation today.

Amputation Statistics

Amputation is an injury that happens more often than you may think. Here’s what you should know:

  • Roughly 2 million people in the United States have lost a limb.
  • The most common amputation accident involves partial hand amputation. There are more than 60,000 of these accidents every year.
  • Losing an arm is the second most common form of amputation.
  • Most victims of amputation are 15-40 years old.
  • Nearly 80% of amputation victims are male.

Types of Amputations

There are many types of amputations that can occur:

  • Partial hand amputation. Parts of the hand are amputated, such as the thumb, fingers, or fingertips.
  • Metacarpal amputation. This involves the removal of an entire hand as far up as the wrist.
  • Wrist disarticulation. The entire hand and wrist are removed.
  • Transradial amputation. This is a partial amputation of the arm, just below the elbow joint.
  • Elbow disarticulation. This involves the removal of the forearm at the elbow.
  • Above-the-elbow amputation. An arm is removed above the elbow.
  • Shoulder disarticulation. This is when an entire arm is removed, including the shoulder blade and the collar bone.
  • Partial foot amputation. This involves the removal of one or more toes.
  • Ankle disarticulation. This involves the removal of the foot at the ankle.
  • Below-the-knee amputation. This type of amputation removes the leg below the knee while allowing the person to retain knee function.
  • Transfemoral amputation. This involves the removal of the leg above the knee.
  • Hip disarticulation. In this amputation, the leg is removed up to the hip joint.
  • Hemipelvectomy. This involves removing the entire leg and part of the pelvis.

Recovery From Amputation Injuries In Monterey

Our Monterey amputations injuries lawyer has extensive experience providing the professional legal service and support clients need in these cases. Find out more about your rights in filing a claim and how to get the compensation you need to recover.

The Devastating Impact Of Amputation Injuries

Undoubtedly one of the most difficult and potentially devastating types of personal injuries, amputations evoke images of battlefields and war for many older adults. Today, they are more likely to happen due to motor vehicle crashes, boating or other recreational accidents, product defects, and other types of serious mishaps.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), close to 60 million people throughout the world have lost a limb. However, when amputation injuries in Monterey happen, it is common to feel some sense of isolation. Any type of amputation can have a major impact on every aspect of the victim’s life. This includes:

  • Physical health: People who suffer amputation injuries often undergo painful and time-consuming medical procedures. Vital body organs or systems may be impacted and they are more vulnerable to life-threatening infections.
  • Mobility: The loss of a limb leaves victims permanently disabled. Even with advances in prosthetics, mobility is likely to be more limited.
  • Financial security: In addition to the medical bills resulting from your injuries, you may be unable to work on either a temporary or permanent basis.
  • Emotional health: The NIH reports that post-traumatic stress is common among amputees, resulting in anxiety, depression, flashbacks of the accident, and sleep or eating disorders.

Compensation For Monterey Amputation Injuries

Amputation injuries in Monterey often happen in accidents that occur due to the negligent behavior of others involved. They may have taken reckless actions that put you at risk or failed to take reasonable precautions. Under the California Civil Code, you have the right to hold them liable for the losses you suffer as a result. Compensation available for amputation injuries include:

  • Coverage of all current and future medical costs arising out of your injuries;
  • Payment for current lost income and future lost earnings and benefits;
  • Payment for pain and suffering, which includes any lost enjoyment in life you suffer due to being unable to engage in prior hobbies and activities;
  • Additional amounts if the at-fault party in your accident behaved in a grossly negligent manner.

While nothing can erase what happened or make up for what you have lost due to amputation injuries, getting the compensation you are entitled to in a claim can help you make a recovery.

Contact Allen Law Firm Today

Losing an arm or a leg is a life-changing experience. You will need to make major changes to adapt to your new life. It can be a scary and frustrating experience.

Seek legal help from Allen Law Firm. Our Monterey amputation injuries lawyer can provide you with compassion during this difficult time. See how our experienced team can help you get results. To schedule a free consultation, call (831) 901-3901 or fill out the online form.

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