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How To Protect Your Rights In A Monterey Car Accident Claim


Car accidents in Monterey can happen even to the safest of drivers. In many cases, reckless behavior on the part of other motorists is responsible. You have the right to hold those at fault liable for property damages, medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs you incur as a result. Our top rated car accident lawyers offer some simple tips to help protect your rights in filing a claim.

Steps To Take Immediately After A Car Accident In Monterey

According to the California Office Of Traffic Safety (OTS), close to 3,000 car accidents happen in Monterey County each year. As most motorists are only involved in one or two crashes over the course of their lives, they are often unprepared when a collision does occur.

To protect yourself and your rights in a claim, it is important to take certain steps to protect yourself in the immediate aftermath of a crash. Consider printing the following tips and keeping them in your glove compartment, just in case:

  • Report any type of car accident resulting in personal injuries or property damages immediately to law enforcement;
  • Exchange license, vehicle registration, and insurance information with other drivers involved;
  • Get names and contact information of any witnesses at the scene;
  • Request a copy of the police report;
  • Take photos or videos, if possible, of your vehicle, the accident scene, and any injuries you suffer;
  • Seek medical care immediately, regardless of the severity of your symptoms;
  • Adhere to your doctor’s recommendations regarding follow-up care and activity restrictions;
  • Notify your insurer as soon as possible;
  • Contact our Monterey car accident lawyers before making any statements or accepting a settlement.

Get The Compensation You Need To Recover In A Car Accident Claim

A January 2023 report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that costs associated with car accidents in the United States run close to $350 billion each year. When dealing with insurers, it is important to remember that you only have one chance to get the compensation you need to recover. To get the maximum amount you are entitled to and need to recover in a claim, follow these tips:

  • Avoid saying too much or admitting even partial liability for a crash;
  • Avoid speculating on the exact causes;
  • Keep copies of all medical records and statements from providers;
  • Keep records showing lost wages and other costs incurred during recovery;
  • Keep a journal detailing the impacts your accident has on your daily hobbies and activities;
  • Make sure you reach a maximum level of medical recovery prior to accepting a settlement, which is the point at which any ongoing health issues are likely to result in permanent disabilities.

Get Our Monterey Car Accident Lawyer On Your Side

You have just one chance to get compensation for car accident injuries in Monterey. To get the maximum amount you are entitled to, get the Allen Law Firm on your side. Call or contact our office online and request a consultation with our Monterey car accident lawyers today.


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